20 Juli 2011

Will Not Stop the hacker attacks the FBI arrests 14 suspected scrambler PayPal Web Site

The FBI has arrested 14 people suspected of ruffled the PayPal website. The U.S. Justice Department said on Wednesday (07/20/2011). The attack was allegedly carried out by the hacker as a revenge for the termination of the company to the account of donations to WikiLeaks. All were arrested, including a hacker group called Anonymous. Earlier reports said that between 14 to 16 members of Anonymous were arrested on charges of cyber attacks on Visa and Master Card websites.

''The defendants allegedly conspired with others to intentionally damage a protected computer with PayPal during the 6 to 10 December 2010,''said an FBI official who declined to name. The suspects were detained in the police jail in Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio and Washington DC. The FBI statement also added that the deliberate destruction of the damage to a protected computer Cost''intentional sentenced to 10 years in prison and a fine of $ 250,000. Each count of conspiracy to carry a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a fine of $ 250,000''.

Members of anonymous hackers called the move as "Operation Avenge Assange" which reminded everyone in Assange, founder of Wikileaks. Owner of the Paypal account for donations to stop using Wikileaks after the U.S. government to urge the company.

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