18 Juli 2011

Easy way to shrink the stomach!

abdominal dream (doc Corbis)
One word that always ring if you want sleek and sexy shape Diet!. Various services are now a lot of fitness and exercise are mushrooming in the city as you can use as a means to maintain health and also maintain an ideal body shape. Especially for the mother who had just given birth, of course, has a waist size that is too big an issue, again with the onset of postpartum problems female organs can create headaches and stress can cause mild symptoms. Diet is also not one of the benchmarks if you want the ideal body shape. Regular exercise and calorie intake is well controlled can lose weight and maintain the vitality of your body.

By running the appropriate dietary programs, such as low-calorie diet or a diet low in sugar, you can also combine weight-loss program by doing light exercise such as stretching of the stomach. An easy way is to shrink the stomach by reducing the consumption of fatty foods every day, such as avoiding meat eating (junk food) that exceeds consumption, Instant Fried Noodles and can also reduce the consumption of sugar and carbohydrate intake, do not forget to get enough rest. So productivity hoard calories and fat in your digestive tract can be reduced. In addition to low-calorie diet, you can do calisthenics and light exercise to reduce abdominal circumference. Here are tips on practical ways to shrink the stomach.

To Shrink Stomach top. To shrink the stomach is the top you can do Sit for 3-5 minutes to start. Once you get used to, you can increase to 5-10 minutes each workout time.

To Reduce the stomach and bottom. shrink your stomach can do the exercises by bending and lifting as well as refusing the foot backward alternately. Do it for 5-10 minutes each time you workout. To decrease abdominal circumference and discard bad fats, you can eat yogurt, health tea (herbal), or lemon juice to drink warm water every night before bed do not forget to introduce more consumption of water (not bottled water). Accompanied by effective training exercises every day and also continuous in less than 30 days you can feel the results. The body becomes more slender and sexy, and the weight began to decline gradually, do not forget to keep a low calorie diet, such as breakfast with fruit for an ideal body shape changes that you can not go back.

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